Title: Dyslexia VR
Team: Shuang Wu - Producer
Olivia Jenkins - Artist
Trevor Newell - Technical Artist
Conan Zhang - Engineer
Shantanu Pandey - Engineer
Special thanks to Shally Hatch of Dyslexia Center of Utah for her insights.
Development Time: 16 Days
Development Environment: Unity3D
The main idea behind our game was to create a virtual environment where the player get to feel what it’s like to be a person with Dyslexia. Our goal was to replicate few condition of Dyslexia as close as possible. We reached out to Shally Hatch as our expert to gain better insights on Dyslexia. The game consist of a classroom scene where player will be a child with dyslexia. Our idea was to create an interactive game where there would not be any win or loss condition, we tried creating a 2-3 minute of experience tackling few situations of dyslexia.
This was a Virtual Reality game on Oculus Rift. The game uses spatial audio features for displaying directional inconsistency and Oculus Rift controllers for interacting with the objects. To summarize the gameplay:
1. Jumbling and moving letters and numbers that would come to their original state if focussed for more than 3 seconds.
2. A clock with changing position and tick sound for directional difficulty.
3. Random background noise for concentration difficulties.
As a part of my development duties, I took care of the following components of the game:
1. Unity Timeline Feature - For setting up the interactive scene with dialogs, musics and playing various animations at certain times.
2. C# Scripts:
a. VR Camera script for gaze pointer, focus and demystifying jumble text
b. Clock teleportation and clock hands movement scripts
c. Timeline manipulation scripts for pausing/playing timeline and spawning of text object at required time in the scene
3. Raycasting from VR Camera to check for collision detection with text objects.
4. Setting up classroom text objects with colliders to detect camera ray collision with them.
Click Here to download the game.
Click Here for GitHub link.
Team: Shuang Wu - Producer
Olivia Jenkins - Artist
Trevor Newell - Technical Artist
Conan Zhang - Engineer
Shantanu Pandey - Engineer
Special thanks to Shally Hatch of Dyslexia Center of Utah for her insights.
Development Time: 16 Days
Development Environment: Unity3D
The main idea behind our game was to create a virtual environment where the player get to feel what it’s like to be a person with Dyslexia. Our goal was to replicate few condition of Dyslexia as close as possible. We reached out to Shally Hatch as our expert to gain better insights on Dyslexia. The game consist of a classroom scene where player will be a child with dyslexia. Our idea was to create an interactive game where there would not be any win or loss condition, we tried creating a 2-3 minute of experience tackling few situations of dyslexia.
This was a Virtual Reality game on Oculus Rift. The game uses spatial audio features for displaying directional inconsistency and Oculus Rift controllers for interacting with the objects. To summarize the gameplay:
1. Jumbling and moving letters and numbers that would come to their original state if focussed for more than 3 seconds.
2. A clock with changing position and tick sound for directional difficulty.
3. Random background noise for concentration difficulties.
As a part of my development duties, I took care of the following components of the game:
1. Unity Timeline Feature - For setting up the interactive scene with dialogs, musics and playing various animations at certain times.
2. C# Scripts:
a. VR Camera script for gaze pointer, focus and demystifying jumble text
b. Clock teleportation and clock hands movement scripts
c. Timeline manipulation scripts for pausing/playing timeline and spawning of text object at required time in the scene
3. Raycasting from VR Camera to check for collision detection with text objects.
4. Setting up classroom text objects with colliders to detect camera ray collision with them.
Click Here to download the game.
Click Here for GitHub link.