An early prototype of Kratos’ axe from God of War’s latest installment. An early prototype of trying to mimic the axe trajectory and some functionalities. Axe speed, aim, and weight can be adjusted. I have used the infinity blade assets from market place. Collision with skeleton mesh (infinity blade assets are all skeleton mesh) was having some trouble so I used a static mesh on the axe to test the functionality. |
Initial prototype of the Captain America shield as seen in the Infinity Wars. A radius is associated with the shield where it tracks all the enemies within that radius, hits them and return back to Cap. Radius, speed, collisions can be adjusted. This prototype can be extended to track enemies on tick or any other event (currently I am just adding them once. |
Prototype of landmine which launches the player when come in contact or when the time runs out. Mine strength, radius and timeout can be adjusted. They can also be extended to take into account the polarity of the objects if going the magnetic route. |
Prototype of Ant Man; resizing the player character as required. Scale of resizing can be adjusted as required. As an application of this mechanics, player characteristics can be altered depending on how it is required. In this prototype I am changing the gravity and jump distance for the smaller character. |
Prototype of player throwing a ‘magnetic’ charge and objects attract or repelled by it based on their polarity. I call it Magneto. Distance, aim speed, radius and intensity of the charge can be adjusted. Polarity of the charge is reversed on a trigger event. |
Prototype of Half Life’s famous gravity gun. Player can pick up the objects from certain distance and launch them away. As an extension, launched objects gets attached to the walls for the player to climb or use in some way. Gravity distance, aim, launch speed and intensity can be adjusted. |
Early prototype of Javelin attack which I developed for our game Hard Light Vector. The boss shoots the Javelin like objects to the player location which stays on the ground. Our initial idea was to create something that will add to environment hazards. |
Early prototype of of the combo system in UE4. I was curious about how the combos works and developed this prototype. The combo breaks if the timings are off. Player gets an 'adjustable' time between moves and if next input is received withing that time-frame, combo continues. |