Title: MakeUp & BreakUp: A Swift Rise to the Top
Team: Clay Westing - Producer
Shihao Wang - Artist
Xiaotong Li - Artist
Rong Zhuang - Technical Artist
Mukul Kakroo - Engineer
Shantanu Pandey - Engineer
Development Time: 9 Days
Development Environment: Unity
Making Taylor Swift as our central character, this game is a satire on popular celebrity culture. It’s a social game where the goal of the players is to date and break-up with as many celebrities as quickly they can. Breaking up at certain times will help in getting more fame. As the game was intended for non-gamers, we decided to make a narrative choice game.
I was lucky enough to again have one more engineer with me on this project. Development platform for this game was again Unity.
There were three main scenes in the game viz., Tinder scene, dress-up scene and date scene. Since it was a narrative game (first for me as a game developer) and I always wanted to work on the engineering of a branching narrative, I took the work for the Date Scene.
To summarize the gameplay:
1. Tinder-scene: Player chooses a celebrity to go out on a date with.
2. DressUp-scene: Player dress-up Taylor to go out on a date. Player chooses a hairstyle and a dress. Additional accessories are available.
3. Date-scene: The scene where main date plays out. Player responses to various conversations decide how the date plays out.
As a part of my development duties, I took care of the following components of the game:
1. Branching Narrative - The game made use of the branching narrative. Each response selected by the user alter the how the date plays out. A text file was used to read the narrative all different responses associated with a choice.
2. Fade animation between each scene.
3. Typewriter Effect - Every dialog in the game was displayed as typewriting text with single character appearing at time. C# script was used to display this effect where time to display each text can be adjusted accordingly.
4. Pop-Up at the end of the date to display the date result and fame gained. Based on the current fame of the player, different celebrities are unlocked to date.
Click Here to download the prototype.
Click Here for GitHub link.
Team: Clay Westing - Producer
Shihao Wang - Artist
Xiaotong Li - Artist
Rong Zhuang - Technical Artist
Mukul Kakroo - Engineer
Shantanu Pandey - Engineer
Development Time: 9 Days
Development Environment: Unity
Making Taylor Swift as our central character, this game is a satire on popular celebrity culture. It’s a social game where the goal of the players is to date and break-up with as many celebrities as quickly they can. Breaking up at certain times will help in getting more fame. As the game was intended for non-gamers, we decided to make a narrative choice game.
I was lucky enough to again have one more engineer with me on this project. Development platform for this game was again Unity.
There were three main scenes in the game viz., Tinder scene, dress-up scene and date scene. Since it was a narrative game (first for me as a game developer) and I always wanted to work on the engineering of a branching narrative, I took the work for the Date Scene.
To summarize the gameplay:
1. Tinder-scene: Player chooses a celebrity to go out on a date with.
2. DressUp-scene: Player dress-up Taylor to go out on a date. Player chooses a hairstyle and a dress. Additional accessories are available.
3. Date-scene: The scene where main date plays out. Player responses to various conversations decide how the date plays out.
As a part of my development duties, I took care of the following components of the game:
1. Branching Narrative - The game made use of the branching narrative. Each response selected by the user alter the how the date plays out. A text file was used to read the narrative all different responses associated with a choice.
2. Fade animation between each scene.
3. Typewriter Effect - Every dialog in the game was displayed as typewriting text with single character appearing at time. C# script was used to display this effect where time to display each text can be adjusted accordingly.
4. Pop-Up at the end of the date to display the date result and fame gained. Based on the current fame of the player, different celebrities are unlocked to date.
Click Here to download the prototype.
Click Here for GitHub link.