Title: Samurai Crusader
Team: Orochi Studios
- Corbin White - Producer
- Sam Mittelhaeuser - Producer
- Chris Daugherty - Technical Artist
- Coleman Brcko - Technical Artist
- Angie Wang - Artist
- Tony Tong - Artist
- Olivia Jenkins - Artist
- Sai Upadhyayula - Engineer (UI/Gameplay)
- Shantanu Pandey - Engineer (AI/Gameplay)
Development Time: 4 months
Development Environment: Unreal Engine 4.18
To summarize, I worked on the following components of the game:
My main responsibility for this project was that of AI. From designing the AI to implementing it, I was involved throughout the process. Majorly, the game had two kinds of AI; follow and kiting. Fodder enemy was given the follow behavior while a sort of mini-boss enemy had the kiting behavior. The follow behavior was implemented in complete C++ whereas I used the Unreal's behavior tree and blueprint for the kiting behavior.
Apart from the AI, I was involved in various gameplay features of the game. Gameplay was partly engineered in C++ and part using blueprints. The game loop was created using C++ (start scene load, enemy spawning, and round complete and stats calculations). Spawn points were created in C++ where designers can specify the amount and type of enemies to spawn, the time interval between various enemies and enemies progression with the level.
Published on Google Play.
Team: Orochi Studios
- Corbin White - Producer
- Sam Mittelhaeuser - Producer
- Chris Daugherty - Technical Artist
- Coleman Brcko - Technical Artist
- Angie Wang - Artist
- Tony Tong - Artist
- Olivia Jenkins - Artist
- Sai Upadhyayula - Engineer (UI/Gameplay)
- Shantanu Pandey - Engineer (AI/Gameplay)
Development Time: 4 months
Development Environment: Unreal Engine 4.18
To summarize, I worked on the following components of the game:
- Enemy AI - follow and kiting behavior.
- Weapon Tree UI Engineering and widgets.
- Enemy animation state machines.
- Enemy wave system and spawn points.
- Game end condition, game stats calculations.
My main responsibility for this project was that of AI. From designing the AI to implementing it, I was involved throughout the process. Majorly, the game had two kinds of AI; follow and kiting. Fodder enemy was given the follow behavior while a sort of mini-boss enemy had the kiting behavior. The follow behavior was implemented in complete C++ whereas I used the Unreal's behavior tree and blueprint for the kiting behavior.
Apart from the AI, I was involved in various gameplay features of the game. Gameplay was partly engineered in C++ and part using blueprints. The game loop was created using C++ (start scene load, enemy spawning, and round complete and stats calculations). Spawn points were created in C++ where designers can specify the amount and type of enemies to spawn, the time interval between various enemies and enemies progression with the level.
Published on Google Play.